On Site Business Consultations

On Site Business Consultation - This is 2-day, personalized and private service at your location.

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Product Description

This 2-day, very personalized and private service provides complete overview of 64 Key Performance Indicators spanning 8 Specific Areas of critical operations - ManageSmart, MarketSmart, PeopleSmart, TechSmart, FinanceSmart, FacilitySmart, RiskSmart and InspireSmart!


This service leaves you with an EXACT menu of specific improvements and HOW to make those improvements. In addition, the Success Solutions Dashboards applications make it easy to follow up on this living, moving, evolving business plan! We can also target specific areas like Marketing Plans, Risk Assessment or whatever categories you desire.

If you are already a 3rd Level Member, connect with us to apply your membership discount. If you are not currently a member, you can also add a 3rd Level membership to your shopping cart.


Travel and lodging are additional, but will be arranged economically.

Contact us for details, and schedule your On Site Consultation today!