04 Business Valuation for Gross Revenue (GR) > $6 million, custom pricing applies

Please connect for Custom Pricing for Professional Business Valuation Report for Businesses grossing $6 million and up annually.

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Product Description

Please connect for Custom Pricing for Professional Business Valuation Report for Businesses grossing $6 million and up annually.

The Industry-specific set of valuation methods are unavailable anywhere else! Our Professional Methodology involves 35 linked spreadsheets, 10-11 methods spread over the varying types of Buyers (Industry, Market, Income), 3 specific multiples charts, our proprietary database of complete industry valuations/transactions, detailed demographic analysis, and other factors.

Explore Transaction Price & Terms Structure and the financial ramifications of each option. Prepare a Confidential Business Review if listing; discuss potential Buyer(s) and timeline.

The Business Valuation fee is DEDUCTED from the commission at closing, thereby preserving your valuation investment. Negotiating Broker – commission rate is on a Sliding Scale.