*1 Hour Online Business Coaching

$300 non-member - One hour of Online Consulting with an Industry Expert. Sessions are tailored to provide solutions. NOTE: Pro & Premier member price $225 (25% discount) & VIP members of Swim Consultant, Leap & 3rd Level price $150 (50% discount).

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Product Description

Looking for a business coach to provide solutions for your business?  We will connect to schedule your meeting and to determine which area you want to focus on.  We will tailor the session to exactly what your specific issue is.   Swim Consultants, Leap & 3rd Level Business Coaches are experts in the Child Activity Center Industries.

NOTE: Membership Discounts for 3rd Level, Leap & Swim Consultant! Pro & Premier members on-demand price is $225/hour (25% discount) & VIP members of Swim Consultant, Leap & 3rd Level session investment is $150/hour (50% discount).


One-on-one private online voice or video sessions are available with Industry Experts!